strong arguments for influencer marketing

How to Convince Your Boss to Start an Influencer Campaign

Influencers present a tricky opportunity for businesses. On one hand, a lot of people – your boss, included – may see them as kids playing around on social media and trying to make a quick buck. On the other hand, many influencers can use their unbelievable reach to spread a brand’s name.

With a billion users operating on Facebook every day, not to mention YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, you need someone who’s social media savvy on your marketing team. If you’re looking for ways to convince your supervisors that an influencer could help you out, try the following arguments:


Influencers Circumnavigate Ad Blockers

You spend a lot of time meticulously crafting advertisements that appeal to your potential consumer audience. A good chunk of that audience, though, takes advantage of an ad blocker. As a result, you’re losing out on business, and your marketing ROI isn’t looking so good.

Influencer marketing doesn’t have to worry about ad blockers. Neither are influencers concerned with algorithms that place content created by family and friends above paid-for ads. That’s because their content is organic content. It appears on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media feeds like any other form of media. As a result, algorithms and ad blockers don’t detect any ad messages influencers happen to integrate into their work.

If you’re trying to convince your boss to integrate influencer campaign into your next marketing campaign, you’ll want to bring this point up. Not only do you have the chance to reach new demographics with word about your product, but your marketing ROI is also set to almost immediately improve once your ads are reaching people.


Influencers Build Consumer Trust

New generations of consumers are notably more suspicious of advertisements than those that came before them. As a result, your marketing campaign needs to build trust among your audience to generate sales.

Enter the influencer. Because influencers generate a specific social image of themselves, they eventually reach a point where consumers see them as trusted friends or resources. Influencers are open on social media. Some make a point of sharing life events or accomplishments. That communication allows your consumers to read beneficial intent into an influencer’s sponsored ad of your product.


With that reputation comes a greater opportunity for sales on your part. That’s all thanks to an influencer’s direct connection with his or her audience.


Influencers Generate Balanced (And Budget-friendly!) ROI

We’ve already touched briefly upon influencer campaign and ROI. Influencers do more than bring an audience to your platform, though. Influencer marketing is one of the least expensive marketing options available to you today. You have the chance to pay your influencers in samples and exposure as well as commission fees based on how much engagement their posts generate.

Because influencer-business relationships are negotiable, and not all influencers have the same reach, you’ll be able to work out a lucrative deal with the influencer of your choice that still costs less than traditional marketing. Your budget will thank you, as will your ROI.

Plenty of reasons exist to bring influencers onto your marketing team. Sit down with your boss and layout the benefits – cost, reach, and trust – and you’ll likely find yourself in charge of an influencer stable in the near future.



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