using FAQs as SEO hotbeds

FAQs: Are you asking the right questions to boost SEO?

When you type a thought into Google, how do you phrase it? Does it begin with “what,” “how,” “when,” “which,” or “where?” A significant number of Google searches do. And while you may not end your search prompt with a question mark, these terms still classify your searches as questions.

This may seem obvious, but here’s the important thing:

Question-related SEO and question-oriented keywords contribute significantly to your platform’s SERP ranking.

With more than 8 percent of Google searches phrased in the form of questions, you can make significant SERP strides if you address these questions in your site content.

Enter the platform FAQ page.

Google’s Question-Oriented SEO: How does it work?

What is it that makes questions so significant to Google SERP ranking? That answer can be found in the evolution of search algorithms: these days, Google uses semantic technology to better understand user queries.

Sounds complex, right? Semantic search just means that Google’s engine understands how to process natural speech patterns (in English or other languages) to easily find the subject and object of the query. The results that pop up on any given SERP are pages that this semantic technology has deemed relevant to a user’s search.

How does it work?

  • Natural language processing: Google breaks user questions down into their most important linguistic elements: subject, object, verb.
  • Intended context: The engine keeps track of implied context to understand what a specific user is searching for.
  • Query stream context: How much does a question match the context of Google’s indexed content?
  • Entity recognition: Can Google process the query? Some information or keyword smashes don’t register as content. This is the reason you can still get Google 404s.

FAQ for Beginners

So with that in mind, how should you start to integrate questions onto your platform?


The easiest way to do so is to create a FAQ page. By completing a site assessment, reading user comments, and analyzing your industry’s Google searches, you can better understand what kind of questions will prove valuable to your consumer audience.

It’s also important to integrate question-based keywords into your content. You can use platforms such as Keyword Magic Tool or AnswerThePublic to find these terms.

You can also break your question types down into three different categories:

  • The “W” Questions: Questions that start with “what,” “which,” “where,” “who,” “when,” and “why”
  • Short answer questions: Questions that begin with “why” or “why can” and that can be answered in only a few words
  • Long answer questions: Questions that may begin with any of the aforementioned “w” words but that require a significant assessment to answer

Don’t Overwhelm Your Audience.

Once you’ve written it, review it. An FAQ page might be great for your SEO, but it still needs to be valuable for your users and shouldn’t overwhelm them with information.

Ask yourself:

  • Are there enough questions on this page?
  • Are there too many questions on this page?
  • Are the answers linked to appropriate sources?
  • Does this page increase user CTR with videos or images?
  • Can users find this FAQ easily?
  • Does the FAQ address consumer pain points while also creating a call-to-action?

A great FAQ page has the power to boost your SEO significantly. It’s up to you to understand your target audience and reap the benefits.


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