how you can improve CTRs

4 Ways to Boost CTR and Retain Consumer Audiences

CTR, or click-through rate, is more than just an important SEO element that contributes to your platform’s SERP ranking.


Your website’s CTR reflects consumers’ interest in your product.

As a retailer on any platform, you need to pay close attention to your CTR to ensure that your target audience is liking what you’re selling.

Is your CTR is lower than you’d like it to be? There are simple yet concentrated steps you can take toward holding your consumers’ interests—as long as you craft your strategy appropriately.


Step 1: Extend Your Reach

Building extensions into your advertisements and content will attract your audience and enable you to take up more space on a SERP. Different extensions available to you include:


  • Sitelink Ad Extensions: A single extra line of content that appears similar to organic search sitelinks and displays when your advertisement sits within Google’s top three SERP spots
  • Call Extensions: Extensions that list your business’ phone number and allow consumers to contact you via Skype or Google Phone
  • Local Extensions: An extension that displays your business’ address and which benefits you when trying to build local SEO
  • Snippet Extensions: Extensions that display your product’s data beneath its description
  • Review Extensions: Extensions that, while functionally similar to star ratings, require 150 reviews of your business within a calendar year and which can build your business’ authority


Step 2: Include Keywords in Your Advertisements

This may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the best ways to ensure that you’re attracting the right audience (and ensuring a high conversion rate) is to include a variety of keywords in your advertisements.

You don’t want to keyword-stuff. You should, however, take advantage of long-tail keywords and synonyms that build upon your brand to best reach your audience.

Make sure you use a keyword research tool such as Wordtracker to hit all your bases.



Step 3: Capitalize Your Copy—Literally

Basic capitalization lends not only to your platform’s credibility, but it also can help build your CTR.

It’s been proven that the title case aesthetic—meaning capitalizing all the words in your ad copy aside from basic articles—increases your CTR due to improved readability.


Step 4: Review Your Bid Prices

Make sure you assess the quality of your advertisements regularly. If you bid too little on your keywords, your CTR may be significantly lower than you’d like. A higher bid will place you higher on a SERP and, subsequently, build your CTR to your desired levels.

Experiment with your bids. Not only are you more likely to attract consumers, but you’ll also retain Consumer better in the end.

You can take advantage of keywords, backlinks, and other SEO elements to your heart’s content, and a low CTR rate could still stifle your SERP ranking. Take care to assess your ad content and modify it as necessary to retain consumer or your hard-won audience.



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