Sitelinks Extensions

What are Sitelinks Extensions?

Sitelinks Extensions – Feature that displays links to different pages of a website beneath the ad text. Sitelinks can appear in ads at the top and bottom of the SERPs and for some search partners.  Sitelinks need to direct users to a different destination URL than what your main ad points to.

How sitelink extensions work

You can add sitelink extensions at the account, campaign, or ad group level. You specify the link text (what shows to people) and the URLs (the pages they click to).

In some cases, Google might supplement your sitelinks with descriptions that you’ve provided about those pages. Either you can add those details yourself when creating or editing sitelinks, or Google can automatically use the information within your account related to individual sitelinks (for example, from various ads in your account). By showing additional information with your sitelinks, your ads can be more relevant to potential customers.

If you create a sitelink at a more granular level, that sitelink will always trump the higher-level sitelink extensions. For example, if you create sitelinks for an ad group, that sitelink will serve over campaign-level sitelinks by default. It’s important to ensure that a new sitelink is associated at the correct level for it to serve. You can also choose to show no sitelinks for an ad group.


Keep in mind that extensions can be associated to any ad group or campaigns, or to the entire account. This means that a single extension can have multiple associations. You can learn more to find out why your sitelinks aren’t showing.


  • Update easily: Change link text and URLs whenever you want, keeping them up to date for sales and special offers. You don’t need to make new ads or edit them to include sitelinks.
  • See detailed data about your clicks: Find out how many clicks occurred on your ad when sitelinks appeared. Break down the statistics by the campaign, ad group, or ad. Segment your statistics to see the number of clicks that occurred on the individual sitelink versus another part of the ad (for example, the headline, other sitelinks, or another extension).
  • Use conversion tracking for landing pages: Set up conversion tracking for the landing pages people visit when they click the sitelinks below the ad. You should optimize your landing pages for a “light” conversion event (such as a website visit or an “add to cart”).
  • Edit your sitelink extensions without losing data: Edit your sitelink extensions without resetting their performance statistics.
  • Customized sitelinks for mobile: Create mobile-optimized sitelinks to show on mobile devices.
  • Schedule with start and end dates: Specify the dates, days of the week, or times of day your sitelinks are eligible to show.


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Refer: Google



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