
It’s 2019: Time to Update Your Facebook Ad Strategy

If you want to find marketing success, you likely need to be on Facebook. At the close of 2018, the social media giant reported a 30 percent increase in advertising revenue. But having said that, take some time to ask yourself: are your ads up-to-date?

If you want to create visible ads in this marketing-heavy atmosphere, your 2019 Facebook Ads strategy needs to be a future-forward strategy—not the same approach you used five years ago.

Facebook has seen a lot of algorithmic change over the past few years. What should your latest advertising strategy look like?


Try Some ToFu

B2B business pioneered ToFu marketing, or top-of-the-funnel marketing, some time ago. This funnel-oriented marketing strategy is designed to get your brand name out into the world. The goal of ToFu marketing isn’t immediate sales—it’s relationship generation.

When consumers know your name and can recognize your content, you’re on your way to building long-term financial partnerships.

These days, your Facebook ad campaign won’t succeed as part of a one-and-done campaign. In order to see success, you’ll have to operate with a funnel strategy in mind.


Because the connections that ToFu marketing is so good at building will drive your sales. If consumers don’t know your name, they won’t seek out your business. Provide your consumers with valuable information about your products through ToFu ads, and you’ll start luring in a crowd.


Segment Your Audience

Facebook also now encourages you to segment the audience that your ToFu marketing generates. By sorting your leads, you can create ads that target your most interested consumers.

First, determine who on Facebook is interacting with your ads and platform the most. Google Analytics will help you identify repeat visitors, consumers who’ve abandoned their shopping carts, and repeat customers. Use Google Analytics to determine who Facebook is driving toward your platform.


Then, use any of the following Facebook Ad segmentations to tailor your ads to a specific audience:


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Relationship status
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Online behavior
  • Connections

The more deliberate your advertisements are, the stronger the connection you’ve built between your business and a consumer will feel. With a stronger connection comes a greater likelihood of sales.


Use Facebook’s Ad Carousels

The more information you can provide your consumers with, the better. Facebook’s ad carousels hold substantial advertising potential, offering you 10 slides to work with as opposed to a static one. If you use a Facebook ad carousel, you’ll be giving yourself substantial surface area to work with. You’ll need to fill that surface area with content that’s valuable as well as captivating.

The first image that appears in your ad carousel needs to be your strongest, because that’s the image that’ll draw your audience in. From there, it’s your responsibility to share information about your product, business goals, and the consumer need you can fill in a way that feels natural and compelling. Facebook provides you ample space to do so, as long as you take advantage of the aesthetics at your disposal.

If you play your cards right, a Facebook ad carousel can generate 10 times the audience engagement of a standard Facebook ad. Strike a balance between visual appeal and content, and your ad will be golden.

Facebook Ads is a tool designed to help your business succeed in a 2019 social media playing field. Use these updates to your advantage—trust me, your sales will thank you.



Is your company in need of help facebook ad strategy? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

Image attribution: fotomek – stock.adobe.com