Strong Content

Harder, Better, Faster: How To Create Stronger Content

Content saturation is the enemy of all businesses. With 27 percent of adults almost constantly online these days, it’s become a near-impossible task to create content that can be described as original. But what about strong content?

Not all content is created equal (GASP)—and in fact, there’s a sizable performance difference between strong and weak content. You might share a business blog post that covers a topic audiences have seen before. That’s all well and fine, but familiarity can quickly become boredom, and the last thing you want to do is bore your readers.

If, however, your piece touches upon areas of conversion that other posts haven’t— or if it utilizes new types of media, like memes—then bam! Your content is original again.

Stop trying to create vague “new” content. Why not strengthen your existing work?

Keep some of the following tips in mind, and you’ll find that you generate more consumer engagement courtesy of your richer body of work.

1. Vary Your Rhetoric

Do you have a bad habit of writing sentences that are too long? While longer sentences work well in certain situations, they make other forms of content difficult to read.

That’s the magic of rhetoric. Your particular writing habits may vary, but when you create content, the way you craft your sentences can impact whether readers connect with your work. The same goes for video content. You need to choose your words and rhetorical framework wisely if you want to connect with your audience of choice.

How can you vary your style?

  • Switch up the length of your sentences for improved reading rhythm.
  • Research SEO keywords that pair with emotional keywords.
  • Learn about color palettes and their impact on consumer emotions.

2. Source Your Work

As you start to find your voice while writing, you’ll need to remember that you’re not creating in a vacuum. If you’re pulling statistics or anecdotes from outside sources, you need to acknowledge those sources.

Why? For starters, if you don’t credit your sources, you’re plagiarizing someone else’s hard work.


But there’s another important reason: creating backlink networks to sources you consider reputable will boost your SERP rankings. There’s no harm at all in sourcing your industry peers. Why not take advantage of the resources you have available to you?

3. Integrate Media into Your Text

Consumers today are more media-oriented than they used to be. This means that a well-placed infographic or video is more likely to catch their attention than a wall of text will.

Still, text as a medium is never going to die. If you can integrate different forms of media, such as GIFs, video, and JPGs into your text, it gives your readers a chance to catch their breath while reading. It also allows them to engage different senses in their interpretation of your work. If you can come at consumers from two compelling angles, you’ll have a greater chance of securing conversions later on.

4. Tell Stories

What’s one of the best ways to create a lasting impression with your audience? Use the content you create to tell a story.

While listicles and tip guides are excellent, consumers connect with the pathos of a story. Use case studies to emphasize the effectiveness of your products. Talk about your small business’ journey to highlight your priorities and reliability.

In short, do your best to purposefully engage with consumers. Strong content needs to stand out online— and when you treat it as a tool for better audience communication, it will.


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Image attribution: adiruch na chiangmai –