voice recognition tech helps B2B

How Will Voice Tech Improve Your Outreach?

Voice assistants are already fairly ubiquitous in homes across the country, but how about in your office? AI innovators are pushing the agenda to create “smart” office spaces that take advantage of cloud computing and deep machine-learning capabilities. Can introducing voice technology in the workplace really work wonders for your business?

Turns out, it might.


Understanding Voice Recognition Technology

Chances are, you’ve already heard of the primary voices (as it were) in voice recognition technology. Alexa, Siri, and Cortana have all proven a consumer need for responsive search-engine technology. Users can utilize, and empathize with, these voice-based AI units on a nearly-daily basis.

Okay, sure, AI is big. But when will voice recognition grow so much that it’ll cause internet-wide changes?

Consider this: By 2020, half of all searches on search engines might be performed by voice search. The voice recognition industry already rakes in $601 million a year—and that figure will only rise.


Demographic Diversity

Millenials are making waves in business—and they’re bringing voice recognition technology with them. 45 percent of Millennials already take advantage of voice assistants while shopping for a product or service. With more and more of the next generation moving into B2B spaces as well as B2C, you’ll need to modify your content to catch their eyes.

Cortana, Siri, and Alexa all find the answers to users’ questions through Bing. Is your site optimized for more than just Google?

Bing’s crawlers work a little differently. You’ll need to use keywords and links more directly than you would when accounting for Google’s SERPs.



Voice Assistants and an SEO-positive Snippet

If you can get a voice assistant to notice you, your audience will notice, too.

Keep the following in mind for your snippets:


  • Voice requests are more casual than those written into a search engine, which means you’ll need to include a greater variety of long-tail keywords in your content.
  • Integrate casual language into your content to appeal to Bing’s preferred SEO tone.
  • Continue to create authoritative and helpful content that’s easy on the jargon.
  • Your site must be mobile-friendly, or else Bing and the voice assistants that use it will neglect your content entirely.


The Takeaway

As more millennials join and influence the workforce, you’re going to need to address their technological reliance in new and creative ways to gain and retain their business.

When your content is designed to respond to voice assistants, you’ll easily attract a new generation of traffic. As a B2C, keep your audience in mind at all times. As a B2B, remember: with greater connectivity comes the potential for partnerships that’ll last for a long while.



Is your company in need of help with voice technology? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

image attribution: metamorworks – stock.adobe.com