Enhance your SEO Readability

Ditch the Jargon & Create Readable SEO Content

It’s easy to fall into a content trap.

When establishing a content marketing campaign for your small business, it’s all too simple to forget readability and focus on optimizing your content to reach the largest audience.

However, when you become overly concerned with SEO elements in your content, you risk losing that personal spark that makes your seo content readable to your target audience. But—SEO is important nonetheless, and therein lies the rub.

SEO algorithms are constantly evolving, and readability matters more than ever. Why is readability an essential SERP ranking element, how is it measured, and how can you use it to your advantage?


1. Readability Catches the Attention of Search Engine Crawlers

The leading search engine algorithms are designed to read through content like a person would. This doesn’t mean that machines are the target audience of your content. It does mean, however, that the quality of your content needs to be enhanced to attract the eye of crawlers.

Crawlers can now detect synonyms, sentence structure, and content length more effectively. As such, the quality of your content, and its use of high-value language, now results in greater SERP rankings than it did before.

What does this mean for you? It means good writing matters—not just how many SEO elements you can stuff into a piece.


2. Readability Prioritizes User Experience

The SERP algorithms also take your user experience into essential account. This experience is assessed through CTR and bounce-back rates. Are people showing interest in your content? Are people losing interest quickly? To help that data reflect more positively upon your content, you’ll need to keep the readability of your work in mind.

Take care when crafting content. Imbue it with value through your word choice, direction, and, yes, readability. Ask yourself: why would a consumer read your work over a competitor’s? Are you more witty? Do you give better advice?


A captivating piece of content will leave readers feeling like they know your company better and can trust you with their investment of time or money. When that trust translates into a lower bounce-back rate, you’ll notice your SERP position starting to rise.


3. Tackling Readability

Because readability is now so essential to an improved SEO ranking, what are some other ways you can assess your work to ensure it meets modern standards?


  • Use punchy sentences: Long sentences are easier to write than short sentences, but it’s the short sentences that keep readers’ attention.
  • Write with personality: You want your audience to get to know you better. Share some of yourself in your content’s voice through a few wry jokes or puns.
  • Play with your sentence structure: While short sentences are great for holding a reader’s attention, you can pepper in longer sentences to keep your content flowing smoothly.

By focusing on the readability of your content, you do more than improve your ranking; you better connect with your consumer audience. With that connection comes a stronger revenue stream and a greater reputation for content creation among readers everywhere.



Is your company in need of help with content? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.



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