Craft a Video Strategy in 1 Hour or Less

Craft a Video Strategy in 1 Hour or Less

Video is one of the most engaging forms of advertising strategies available. With it, you can engage consumers’ senses on more than one level. By delivering information about your products or business through this more-complex medium, you better ensure that consumers will retain the information you share with them.

Don’t believe it? A whopping 51 percent of marketers consider video content to generate the most rewarding ROI. Even the Big Four social media platforms are transforming their interfaces to better share video content.


To utilize video in your next advertising campaign, however, you need a strategy in place.

The good news is that the process of creating a strategy for video content is fairly similar to the process you use to plan out text content.


Set Your Goal

Before grabbing your camera, set a goal for your video SEO campaign. These goals can include:


  • Traffic generation
  • Trust building
  • Audience engagement
  • Increased conversions
  • Sales generation

You’ll be able to focus your content around one of these set goals and retain a consistent tone, as a result.


Strive for Evergreen Content

As is the case with text content, you’ll want your video content to resonate with consumers. Some of the strongest video SEO content includes:



  • User-generated Content: If you already have a strong consumer following, you may find consumers recommending your products without your prompting. Be sure to check common hashtags referring to your business’ name or product to see if such content exists. Then, work with its producer to share it on a wider scale.
  • In-feed Video: Videos highlighting the daily to-do’s in your office make as many waves as tailored video content does. Why not share that insight? In-feed videos include this kind of “day in the life” content but also touch upon explanation videos, FAQs, and product hype videos.
  • Stories: Short-term content is on the rise thanks to Snapchat and Instagram Stories. You can either create content for these types of feeds daily or structure one of your ads to fit into an applicable time slot. Do note, though, that the appeal of this content is that it disappears after 24 hours, so make an impression with the time you’re given.


Revise, Revise, Revise

Once you’ve created and shared your content online, check-in with your analytics. Each of the Big Four platforms offers an analytical tool, including:


You’ll need to alter your video marketing campaign based on the metrics your existing content is bringing in. For example, if your short-form content on Instagram is generating more conversions than long-form content shared through Twitter, why not focus on compressing your message? Revision, after all, is as much a part of the creative process as the first draft.

Don’t fall behind on the video SEO trend. Settle in and craft your video marketing strategy around a central goal. Once you’ve found your feet, it’ll be lights, camera, action on an increased ROI.



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