Consumer Content

How to Encourage Consumers to Create Content For You

We’ve talked at length about how GoPro changed the way we can market our content. User-generated content, after all, directly engages consumers. It makes them feel as though they’re part of a broader community, and that sense of community builds trust in a brand.

Let’s get a little meta, though.


How can you encourage your consumers to create content that sells your products to fellow consumers?


1. Choose a Medium

While savvy small-to-medium businesses may partner with influencers to get the word about their content, that kind of connection doesn’t come without work—and neither does a content-focused connection with a broader audience.

If you want your consumers to start generating content, you need to provide them with a medium in which to do so. If you’re utilizing video, specifically, you’ll want to be sure that your platform of choice can support it.

Instagram, for example, serves as a cornerstone for video content (beyond, of course, YouTube). If consumers are going to share product-oriented content anywhere, it’s on this visually driven platform. Thus, if you’re looking to encourage consumers to share content that emphasizes your product, why not start by creating a hashtag for your business?

As your followers take notice of your focused hashtags, they’ll be able to post work in those forums. You’ll then be able to regram that content and emphasize the communal aspects of your following. You can’t do any of that, however, if you choose the wrong social media platform with which to work.


2. Outline the Consumer Content You Want

You’ll also want to ensure that your consumers know what kind of content you’re looking for. When it comes to GoPro content, you’ll want to tell your consumers that you’re looking for work that’s full of action and in-the-moment excitement.

GoPro, after all, emphasizes real-life experiences that inspire the imagination. Let your consumers know that you want to be in the moment with them and that you want to see how they use your products in their everyday lives. Of course, if you’re going for a more extreme angle, you can encourage consumers to utilize your products in strange ways or in unique places, and then share that content through your many platforms.



3. Work on Fulfilling Background Goals

You’ll also want to ensure that your user-generated content campaign has clear (to you) goals. Do you want more consumers to know about your brand? Do you want to boost your conversion rate? Do you want to educate your audience about the potential of your product?

Make sure that you know the purpose of your campaign before it kicks off. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself resharing direction-less content, and that’s the last thing anyone wants.


4. Ask Permission to use Consumer Content

Finally, make sure to ask permission before sharing a consumer’s work. Your audience puts in time and effort into their creative endeavors. You want to celebrate that work before you profit off it.

The good news is that most social media platforms make it easy to communicate with your followers. Slide into someone’s DMs, or leave a comment on an image you like. You’re more likely than not to receive a response.

User-generated content is powerful, and GoPro made that obvious. Now, it’s your turn to reach out to your audience and see what kind of work they can do for you.



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