Slow Growth

Aim for Slow Growth: Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare.

Most of us grew up hearing the fable of the tortoise and the hare. Slow and steady wins the race, right? In the world of marketing, that doesn’t always feel like the case.

Once we start a content marketing campaign, it can feel as though we have to grow our businesses as quickly as possible to keep up with the competition. BUT as it turns out, steady and slow growth is more sustainable than those rabbit-quick bursts of attention.

If you’re looking to start a content marketing campaign sometime in the near future, why not consider it an exercise in patience as opposed to a race to the top?


Getting Started: Speed and Budget

It’s tempting to front-load a content marketing campaign. While you do have a budget you need to stick to, you might find yourself throwing the bulk of your resources into early campaign promotion.

While the heart of this tactic makes sense, it overloads consumers with demands to commit. You need to woo your consumers with your content, not demand that they marry you on the spot.

Save yourself some money and wait to cultivate some of your more meaningful marketing partnerships or boosts until later in your campaign. Spend the first few days – even weeks – of your marketing campaign focusing on slow growth. Give yourself time to forge a connection with potential consumers.


Focus on Slow-Growth With Valuable Content

To build that consumer connection, you need to focus on your content’s value. Sure, flashy fireworks will catch consumers’ eyes, but for how long? If you offer them information-rich and engaging content, they’ll be able to return to your platform repeatedly to utilize the value of your work. Slow growth for the win.

In short, make it seem as though your marketing goal isn’t to build your revenue. It might be, sure, but you primarily need a connection with your consumers to see that dream come to light. Offer wisdom, advice, and keen buying tactics that’ll help your consumers feel more comfortable interacting with your business.



Create an Online Reputation

Laying this kind of content groundwork will let you develop a reputation among online consumers. Your reputation is as important to your SERP ranking as it is to your sales.

If you take the time to establish yourself as a reliable source of industry information – both by creating information-rich content and establishing strong backlink networks – you’ll be seen as a leader in your field. With that perceived leadership comes greater consumer trust and more frequent sales.


Build Organic Traffic Streams

What does all that reputation-building, content-creation, and slow spending lead to? Organic traffic generation. Organic traffic has been proven to be more valuable to businesses than paid traffic, and it’s the kind you want if you want to see your revenue and SERP ranking rise.

Forgo Google Ads, then, and dig into the kind of content you’re looking to release during your next campaign. Does it have long-lasting value? Will consumers find it engaging without being tacky? What does it say about you and your business?

If you answer these questions and make the deliberate decision to try a slow-growth campaign strategy, you’ll find greater success in the future. Take our words for it.



Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

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