stop worrying about work tips

No More Work Stress: Break Up with Your Workspace

Even though the end of the day brings a wave of relief to your entire office, you may find that it’s difficult to transition your thoughts away from work. That’s because work is, well, stressful.

According to the American Institute of Stress, 46 percent of a working person’s stress comes from the weekly workload. An additional 20 percent stems from the need to balance work and home lives.

If work stress is so prevalent, how can you ever stop thinking about work?

Never fear. There are a few steps you can take to ensure that your downtime is restful.


Don’t Repress Your Work Stress

While you shouldn’t let your work stress consume your time at home, it’s just as unhealthy to try to repress it. What should you do to strike a balance? Schedule yourself some “worry time.”

Take 30 minutes out of your weekend or evening to sit by yourself. This is your allotted time to process everything that happened during your day. You have free reign to worry, fret, and stress out about all the projects you may be running behind on.


Distract Your Brain

Once that 30-minute block is up, it’s time to move on. Over thinking your problems is one of the worst things you can do for your stress levels.

Instead, after your 30 minutes, it’s time to distract your brain. Work on a passion project, turn on the television, or engage with something that gets you excited about your personal life. By allowing yourself a limited moment to process, you’ll be able to alleviate any guilt you feel about not working. By transferring that energy into something productive, you’ll be able to refocus your energies on yourself and your needs.



Ignore Your Phone

On your days away from the office, you may feel the compulsive need to check your email or work phone. Don’t do this! One of the easiest ways to break up with your workspace for the weekend is to leave your work phone somewhere where you won’t see it.

By separating yourself from your work phone and email, you’ll be seeking out relaxing activities as opposed to fretting about the projects your brain thinks you should be working on.


Establish Prep Time

If you still find yourself thinking about work during your time off, you may want to designate some prep time for yourself. Prep time is different from worry time. Worry time is a time to fuss, while prep time is a time to lay out your battle plans for the days to come.

Creating and adjusting your personal schedule for an hour on the weekends can help you feel more prepared to take on the week to come. As a result, you can move away from thoughts of work knowing that you’re ready for oncoming projects and that you have the time you need to get everything done.

Don’t let work stress follow you home. If you think you’re spending too much time worrying about work, block out your time, distract your brain, and remember that even the most ambitious CEOs need to rest. You’ll find that you’re more productive back at work if you do so.



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