Confused about SEO

Exploring the Many Faces of Optimization

Confused about SEO? Never fear.

To simplify the integration of optimization elements into your platform, it’s easiest to break the practice down into categories by location. Where do individual elements fit in your platform’s architecture? How can you combine these elements to raise your SERP ranking?

When you begin optimizing your platform, you’ll want to ensure that you’re including all of the following:



Hitting each of these SEO locations and capitalizing on their integration can generate more sales for your business and build your industry authority.


SEO On the Page

On-page SEO is also known as “content SEO.” As you might guess, this category of SEO describes the actual structure and text that you create for your site. On-page SEO content includes:



Capitalizing on your on-page content requires you to research the keywords most commonly used in your field. You’ll also want to look into any information gaps that your competitors have missed so you can better create unique content for consumers to click through. Your on-page optimization is the meat of the SEO sandwich; without it, your consumers don’t have anything to chew on.


Off-page SEO

Comparatively, off-page SEO elements include elements that direct your audience to other places on your own website or across the Internet. These elements include:


  • Your business’ social media accounts
  • Influencer reviews of your product
  • Guest blogs
  • Podcast appearances


Most importantly, though, off-page optimization includes the web of links you integrate into your content. Internal links and external links alike raise your SERP ranking and help you assert your industry authority. Search engine crawlers take note of the network of links that you build for your platform and assume your product’s value based on your affiliations. It’s essential to create a strong link network for yourself if you’re looking to raise your SERP ranking.



Technical SEO

Technical optimization moves you away from content and link structure and into CSS and HTML. While you may not work directly with this category of SEO, you should familiarize yourself with its elements, which include:


  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
  • Minimized HTTP requests
  • Singular CSS stylesheets
  • Compressed web pages

These structural page elements do more than make your platform aesthetically pleasing. By increasing the speed at which your pages load and asserting your industry authority through platform security, you let search engine crawlers know that you have your consumers’ best interests at heart.


Not only that, but faster platform load times also prevent your consumers from clicking back to a search engine’s SERPs, meaning that you’ll be decreasing your site’s bounce rate and improving your algorithmic reputation.


The SEO Trinity

As you might suspect, these categories can see a bit of overlap. Long-form content, for example, sees you integrate a significant number of links into your work, bridging the gap between on-page and off-page SEO. Basically breaking the practice down into more accessible categories can help you approach the creation of your platform’s content more effectively, though.

In addition, if you’re looking to raise your SERP ranking, you can address each individual category and make sure that your content is optimized and accessible to audiences new and old.



Is your company in need of help with optimization? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

image attribution: adiruch na chiangmai –