LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy is About to Get Better

LinkedIn Marketing Strategy serves as a class-act platform for the working world. Right now, it’s good news all around: the platform just announced intentions to expand its digital reach. LinkedIn’s developers plan to open up the playing field for concentrated marketing campaigns. And these campaigns? Well, they’ll be easier than ever to create, courtesy of the new Campaign Manager.

The partnership between LinkedIn and Google Campaign Manager was revealed just last October. As of this July, LinkedIn formally announced a slew of updates to the extension.

LinkedIn is rolling out the red carpet for marketers. Should you consider moving your marketing campaigns to its platform? You’ll have a toolbox full of tools at your disposal, so it looks like the odds are ever in your favor.


Creating a LinkedIn Campaign Manager Account

LinkedIn Marketing Strategy was to make your life as easy as possible. The developers tried to make it as easy as possible for long-term site users to create a marketing account—and the good news is, that’s still true.

How can you get started?


  1. Sign into your personal LinkedIn account
  2. Enter your settings via the “Work” pixel
  3. Click “Advertise”
  4. Fill in the applicable prompt boxes
  5. Click “Create Account”

With your new marketing account in hand, you’ll be able to take advantage of LinkedIn’s newest toys. These include:


  • Improved campaign objectives
  • Multi-layer website conversations
  • Job outreach
  • Optimized click pricing


LinkedIn’s Campaign Objectives

When you begin to create a marketing campaign through LinkedIn, you’ll be prompted to choose an objective. These objectives include:


  • Brand Awareness
  • Website Visits
  • Engagement
  • Video Views
  • Lead Generation
  • Website Conversions
  • Job Applicants

If you select “Brand Awareness,” LinkedIn’s newest update will guide you to more fruitful data collection. A Brand Awareness campaign also now charges you by consumer impression, or cost per thousand. This new type of campaigning will share your advertisements with a litany of highly-targeted potential consumers. It costs you less in the long run, while also ensuring that you can lead-build with a broader audience, and if you’re a B2B company, there’s no better platform than LinkedIn.



Website Conversions

Alternatively, you can dive into the multi-layered nature of LinkedIn’s “Web Conversions” update. As of July 2019, LinkedIn allows you to use this objective to assess:


  • The number of eyes on your ad
  • Ad CTR
  • Ad conversions

Furthermore, LinkedIn will only charge you for your ad outreach if a consumer clicks through your advertisement to get to your home page. As with its “brand awareness” update, the platform seems determined to make its marketing toolbox as affordable as possible.


Optimized Click Pricing

Such is the case with the other update to LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager: the integration of optimized click pricing. In addition, this deliberate pricing will work alongside a business’ chosen objective. For example, businesses that want to generate more visits to their home page will only be charged for those consumer clicks that guide users away from LinkedIn.

Basically, the deliberate way LinkedIn intends to style its campaign manager around a campaign’s objectives is cost-effective as well as engaging. Account-holders will be able to specify their campaign needs early on in the creative process, better budgeting, and preparing for a deliberate kind of outreach.

Looking for a new platform to start a marketing campaign on, but not sure where to start? LinkedIn’s newest update and easy-to-use systems are about to make your life a whole lot easier.



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