About Javascript SEO

What You Need to Know About Javascript SEO

You don’t need to know how to code to run an effective e-commerce website. However, that doesn’t mean that familiarity with JavaScript will do you any harm. JavaScript, in fact, ensures that your platform serves as an interactive medium online.

When you utilize JavaScript to communicate directly with Google and Google Search, you take part in unconventional SEO. In what is one-part technical SEO and another part coding, you’re able to speak to Google’s crawlers and improve your audience outreach without changing the way you word your content.

How, then, can you use JavaScript to reach out to Google? Let’s explore the different options available to you.


Defining Your Use of JavaScript

To optimize your use of JavaScript and its SEO, you’ll need to have a few terms under your belt.


  • JavaScript describes a programming language used to creative webpages online. JavaScript is the code that allows your consumers to move products into their carts and to navigate between your pages.
  • HTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML organizes your content and enables you to utilize bullet points, headers, and paragraph breaks.
  • AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX helps your platform autonomously update and keeps your consumers from having to refresh your platform manually.

These three elements effectively serve as your website’s backbone. You won’t need to modify your HTML or AJAX to utilize JavaScript SEO, but it’s good to be aware of them as you’re making your modifications.


Google, JavaScript, and SEO—Oh My!

Google’s crawlers read JavaScript extensions by first crawling, then rendering, and then indexing your work.



  1. Crawling allows Google’s bots to pull your URL out an existing queue.
  2. The crawlers then read your platform’s robots.txt files to process their content.
  3. Once the content’s processed, Google’s crawlers establish the relationship between your platform and other platform URLs with the href attribute.

Google’s crawlers will reassess your platform as you modify it, and JavaScript makes it easier for the aforementioned crawlers to do their job. When Google’s crawlers can more easily read your content, they’ll be able to make it more accessible to a broader audience.


Translating JavaScript into SEO

There are a number of different ways you can make that process of crawling easier for Google, including the following:


  • Make sure you haven’t accidentally blocked Google’s crawlers from seeing your robots.txt.
  • Avoid the use of lone hashes (#) or hashbangs (#!) in your fragment identifiers.
  • Utilize a tool such as pushState History API to automatically clean and update your URL.
  • Utilize the appropriate HTTP status codes to let Google’s crawlers know whether they should read a piece of content.
  • Don’t overload your robots.txt’s meta tags.
  • Compress your platform’s images and utilize lazy-loading (only for the images) to make these elements more readable.

Again, you don’t have to know how to code to operate a successful e-commerce platform. As Google continues to change the way it indexes content, though, make sure the work you’ve done is readable. If you do, your SERP ranking will benefit.



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Image attribution: Hor – stock.adobe.com