A/B Testing

Part 4: What Are The Best Tools for A/B Testing?

You’ve read about the benefits of A/B testing, learned why it came into use and thought on the ways you could best integrate it into your next marketing campaign. The only thing left for you to do is choose an A/B testing tool to work with.

Good news! There are numerous applicable tools available to you online. You’ll need to do your research ahead of time to ensure that you’re working with a tool that’s within your price range. Your primary concern, however, should be whether or not the tool you choose suits your platform’s needs.


Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly-used A/B testing tools.

Which one might be right for your business?


Nielo A/B Testing

If you run your business’s website through WordPress, you’re in luck – and in good company. Nowadays, WordPress houses 30 percent of all of the websites operating online and has created a plug-in library to match that audience’s needs.

As such, you can install the Nielo A/B Testing plug-in to your platform. This plug-in enables you to run A/B testing through the WordPress interface. It also helps you manage:


  • Initial test results
  • Heatmaps
  • In-platform edits

The plug-in is also compatible with WooCommerce, making it one of the more versatile non-Google affiliated A/B tools listed here.



If you have the budget, you may want to invest in an all-encompassing A/B testing tool like Evergage. The minds behind Evergage invested in the tool’s ability to actively learn about the platforms that use it.


As a result, your A/B tests will not only produce effective content, they’ll learn about your copy habits and help you grow as a creator. This comes as a courtesy of the tools included machine learning. However, that included feature makes Evergage one of the more expensive A/B testing options on this list.


AB Tasty

If you want a tool that specializes solely in A/B testing, you can rely on AB Tasty. While this tool also helps you create heatmaps and page flow reports, you’ll find it more effective when running split or multivariate tests. A/B Tasty is also available at a lower cost than most of its peers.


Google Analytics and Google Optimize

Last but not least, you can always turn to Google. 

Google Analytics provides you with an analytical assessment of your platform’s success. It also allows you, in tandem with Google Optimize, to run A/B tests on your content. You’ll be able to conduct these tests at a low personal cost, like Google Analytics and Optimize make the majority of their features free to use. If you want to sign up for Google Analytics 360, however, you’ll need to register for an account.

Should you make the dive, there’ll be few limits to the tests you’ll be able to run. While advanced tracking may require the assistance of a Google-literate computer engineer, even someone with little to no experience in analytics will be able to conduct a successful A/B test with the help of this tool.



Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

Image attribution: adiruch na chiangmai – stock.adobe.com