
How to Prepare Your Chatbot for Human-Free Business

We’re on the cusp of a human-less future.

Okay, maybe things aren’t that extreme. However, it’s anticipated that, come 2020, 85 percent of consumer interactions with businesses, large and small, will be conducted without human representatives present.

What does this mean, exactly? For many businesses, it means that it’s time to start buffing their chatbots. Chatbots serve as a halfway point between human-less consumer experiences and human-oriented ones. Because chatbots are programmed with human-like conversational points, they can act as emissaries for non-present business representatives and still make consumers feel as though a business is seeing to their needs personally.

So, with the human-less future of businesses nigh, have you optimized your chatbot? You can do so in a few different ways.


Choose Your Bot

Before you start coding, you need to know what kind of bot you want your site to have. Numerous different bots are in operation today, including the following:


  • Funny bots: These bots try to engage consumers through humor. Ruuh, for example, communicates with an urban Indian audience by cracking jokes about Bollywood and the Indian entertainment industry. Your bot can deliberately make jokes or merely address consumers’ needs with a humorous tone; it’s up to you!
  • Health-oriented bots: If you operate a business that caters to consumers’ health or businesses in the healthcare industry, then bots such as Insomnobot3000 can serve as your inspiration. This bot lets different clients text it on the nights they can’t sleep, allowing them to feel less alone.
  • News bots: If you’re interested in sharing news about ongoing developments in your field, you can create a bot that responds to specific trigger words on different news platforms. The Wall Street Journal bot already provides interested consumers with updates upon request; you provide the same with the right chatbot.


Establish a Clear Chatbot Goal

Choosing a genre for your bot allows you to establish a clearer goal for its functionality. You need to decide early on what, precisely, you want your chatbot to do so that you can later manage your analytics.

Chatbots can:




Write Engaging Conversation Hooks

Once you have the base of your bot optimized, you’ll need to ensure that your conversational hooks are eye-catching. This isn’t the place for SEO. While you can integrate keywords into your bot’s dialogue, you want the conversation to be as natural as possible.

To create dialogue that’s relevant to consumer concerns, consider surveying your newsletter subscribers to see if they have any specific questions regarding your business. By interacting with the people who are already on your platform, you can start generating ideas that’ll draw new leads to you and your bot.


Place Your Bot Appropriately

Finally, make sure your bot is located in the right spot to attract consumer attention. Your bot will thrive on high-traffic or high-intent pages. Alternatively, place your bot on negative intent pages, such as unsubscribe pages or your contact page. If consumers feel they can access you through this medium, you might be able to thwart their negative intentions.

Funnily enough, a human touch will make chatbots more effective in the human-free future of business. Make sure yours is up to snuff.



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