Google Reviews

What are Google Reviews?

Google Reviews  – Reviews left using Google My Business platform. Reviews are on a 1-5 star scale and include a brief message written by the reviewer. They can show up in the knowledge graph in Google searches and have been shown to positively correlate with SEO rankings.

Reviews on Google provide valuable information about your business to both you and your customers. Business reviews appear next to your listing in Maps and Search, and can help your business stand out on Google.

You can request reviews from customers through a short URL that’s specific to your business. To get review on Google, encourage your customers to spread the word about your business by following these best practices:


Reviews are only valuable when they are honest and unbiased. (For example, business owners shouldn’t offer incentives to customers in exchange for reviews.) Read more in our review posting guidelines.  If you see a review that’s inappropriate or that violates our policies, you can flag it for removal.

Refer: Google


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