What is a SERP ?

An acronym for SERP “search engine results page,” displayed after a query is entered on a search engine.

What is SERP in SEO ?

Whenever you run a search query on a search engine, your query returns a page full of results with links to various websites. This is the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It’s necessary to continually run various keyword and key-phrase searches to ensure that your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are paying off. SERPs allow you to find out exactly how well your SEO strategies are performing. They also help you validate whether users can access your website using your SEO-optimized keywords. Plus, the way your audience interacts with SERP can provide you with a lot of invaluable marketing insight. Let’s look at the significance of SERP and its importance in SEO.

Beating the Competition

SERPs have a finite amount of ranking space, and thousands of websites compete for mention on the first and second pages. The goal is to somehow attain the topmost position possible for the keyword and phrase targets used. Here are the basics of SERP. Most companies are happy achieving number 1, 2 or 3 level rankings. Below number three, search traffic drops. If you’ve managed to get to number 2 position for a keyword, it’s worth the effort to put in the extra mileage to climb up to number 1.

Optimizing Important Components of SERP

The following important components of SERP must be thoroughly optimized to ensure organic high rankings.

  1. Title of Your Web Page

Your web page’s title should not only be attractive, but it should be intriguing enough to make the user want to click the link to your site. The important thing is to ensure that your page’s title is optimized with the most common keywords used to search for it. So, spend some time and do some research before you zero-in down on a title.


Example: In the following screenshot, the keywords used were
“Search Engine Optimization”. The page’s title is appropriately titled as “What is SEO”. The title is to the point, and the question format incites curiosity on the user’s part.

  1. The URL Of Your Web Page

Your web page’s URL is another excellent target for keyword optimization. Ideally, the URL should contain the root keyword and the key search phrase. In the above example, the URL is “What is SEO”, which allows the Google bots to index the page based on its relevance to the search keywords.

  1. Your Web Page’s Description

The web page’s description is a line or two of highly-optimized text that appears just below the page title. Google highlights the keywords used to search for the site in this description. Optimize your page’s description in such a way that it dangles a carrot in front of the searcher without revealing too much of the content. You need to word the meta-description in such a way that the right amount of unique content is provided within the space given, as shown in the following


Your site’s ranking on SERPs is your opportunity to impress your audience at get go. If you follow proper SEO guidelines to optimize all the elements of your site, including content, links, titles, meta-descriptions and other elements, you’ll stand a good chance of maintaining a steady growing position on the SERPs.


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