Search Network

What is a Search Network?

Search Network – A group of websites in which ads can appear. Google’s Search Network, for example, is a group of Google & non-Google websites that partner with Google to show text ads.

Google Search Network

The Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where your ads can appear. When you advertise on Google your ad can show near search results when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords. In this article, you’ll learn about:

Where ads can appear

Your ads can appear with Google search results and on other search sites when your keywords are relevant to a user’s search.

  • Google search sites: Ads can appear above or below search results on Google Search. They can appear beside, above, or below search results on Google Play, Google Shopping, Google Images, and Google Maps – including the Maps app.
  • Google search partners: Ads might appear with search results on websites of Google search partners or as part of a related search or link unit. For text ads, search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites, as well as Google Video and other Google sites. Product Shopping ads can appear on search partner sites that display and link to products for sale. The clickthrough rate (CTR) for ads on search partner sites doesn’t impact your Quality Score on

Find out how bidding works on Search partners sites.


Types of ads on the Search Network

  • Text ads, Dynamic Search Ads, and call-only ads: The most common kinds of ads on the Search Network. These ads appear with an “Ad” or “Ads” label on the search results page and might have an “Ads by Google” label on partner sites. They often show with ad extensions, which allow advertisers to include business details like location or phone number in their ads.
  • Shopping ads: Shopping ads display and link to products for sale. They’re labeled as “Sponsored” or appear with an “Ad” or “Ads” label on the search results page and might have an “Ads by Google” label on partner sites.
  • Image and video ads: Search partners can host image ads and video ads.

How to include or remove search partners

When you create a campaign for the Search Network, search partners are included by default. A Search campaign may show in response to a user query coming from thousands of different sites. Google Ads doesn’t provide information, detailing the website where your ad was shown on the Search Network. To opt-out of all Search Partner sites, follow these steps to include or remove search partners from an existing Search campaign.

All partner sites are obligated to comply with our Google policies. By creating a campaign for the Search Network, you acknowledge that our policies meet any image and reputation standards you may have for your company. In case of violation of these Google policies by one of our Search Network partner sites, it will be removed from the Search Network.


  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. In the page menu, click Settings, then click the campaign you want to include or remove search partners to.
  3. Click Networks.
  4. Under “Search Network,” check the box for Include Google search partners to enable ads from this campaign to appear on search partner websites or uncheck it to disable this campaign’s ads from showing on partner websites.
  5. Click Save.


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Refer: Google

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