Client ID

What is the Client ID?

Client ID – Known as an XID in Bing Ads, a Client ID is a 10-digit string of numbers that help distinguish one account from another in the Google system.

Bing Client ID

Consider the user that you want to sign in e.g., The Bing Ads API will not accept the email address and password as plain text, rather when you call the Bing Ads API you need to set the AuthenticationToken header element that contains a user access token.

How can you get an access token? Microsoft Advertising leverages the Microsoft identity platform for developers and the OAuth 2.0 protocol for Bing Ads API authentication. As an application developer, you’ll use a Microsoft authorization URL to prompt the Microsoft Advertising user for consent or to prompt yourself for consent if you are developing an application for your own accounts. Once the user provides consent, you can then obtain an access token and act on behalf of the user. A developer token is also required for authentication. For more information, see the Get Started guide.

Microsoft Advertising customers in the Azure Active Directory credentials (AAD) pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 567) can log in with either work or school accounts from Azure AD or personal Microsoft accounts (MSA), such as,, and Customers who are not enabled for work and school accounts can only login with MSA credentials. The AAD credentials function much the same way as MSA credentials, but they are governed by organizations. For example, all email addresses are controlled by Microsoft IT admins so that they can set individual user permissions and can control the way users log into various platforms (e.g. require Two-Factor Authentication).

Google Client ID

To use the Google Fit for Android, you need an OAuth 2.0 client ID for Android applications.


All Android apps are signed with a digital certificate for which you hold the private key. Refer to the Android guide to signing your applications for more information about digital certificates.

Android OAuth client IDs are linked to specific certificate/package pairs. You only need one ID for each certificate, no matter how many users you have for the app.

Getting an ID for your app requires several steps. These steps are outlined below.

  1. Find your app’s certificate information.
  2. Create or modify a project in the Google API Console.
  3. Request an OAuth 2.0 client ID.


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