Google Checkout

What is Google Checkout?

Google Checkout – Google Checkout is a service that makes buying and selling across the web fast, convenient, and secure. When you utilize Google Checkout an icon will be displayed within your pay-per-click ad and this can build trust with users and increase your click-through rate.

Google-owned payment processing service designed to make paying for items online easier for buyers. It allows users to store credit and debit card information, and shipping addresses in a Google Account, which eliminates the need to re-enter it each time the user goes shopping online. Additional benefits for buyers using Checkout is the ability to check status on all orders from multiple websites in a single page offered through your Google Checkout account.

Shopping Today

People use the Internet to shop. One of the drawbacks of online shopping involves transmitting your personal information over the Internet. If you want to purchase items at different Web sites, you have to enter all your information multiple times. Google saw the opportunity to create a tool that would allow merchants and users to take advantage of a universal checkout system.

Here’s how it works: first you create a Google account. If you already have a Google account, you’ll need to enhance it by providing a credit card number, billing address, shipping address, and a phone number. Once you complete this step, you can go shopping.


All you have to do is log in to your Google account and look for Web sites that subscribe to Checkout. When you see the checkout symbol listed next to an entry on a search results page, you know that you can purchase items from that site using your Google account. You’ll be prompted to provide your Checkout password, but you won’t have to enter your credit card number or personal information again. You make your selections and Google handles the rest of the transaction. The merchant never even sees your credit card number.

­Google Checkout is free for consumers. Merchants must pay 2 percent plus 20 cents per sales transaction. But Google gives a discount to merchants who use Google AdWords. For every dollar a merchant spends in AdWords advertising per month, Google will process $10 of sales without charge [source: Google Checkout].


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