Dynamic Keyword Insertion

What is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) – Feature that allows users to dynamically customize an ad to include keywords contained in user search queries.

Dynamic keyword insertion allows you to dynamically insert an AdWords keyword into your ad copy, based on the searcher’s query.

So, if I have an Ad Group for my couch store that includes keywords like:

  • Chair
  • leather chair
  • best leather Chair
  • etc.

With dynamic keyword insertion, I can show people who search for “Chair” the word Chairs, people who search for “leather Chairs” that phrase, and so on, in the ad text itself. DKI customizes the ad based on the exact search query.

In short: Dynamic keyword insertion allows you to show searchers a more relevant ad since the ad is dynamically updated to include the user’s real search query.


Google defines DKI like so:

Keyword insertion is an advanced feature that helps you provide users with more relevant ad text while using a single generic ad for multiple keywords. AdWords will insert individual keywords into the same ad text so that a user sees a distinct ad for their keyword search if their keyword triggers one of your ad group keywords.

So, let’s say we’re selling furniture online. We have our Ad Group dedicated to chairs. Most of the terms in our Ad Group have to do with chairs, and we’d like to use dynamic keyword insertion to target each individual user query better. Here’s how we’ll input our ad to take advantage of dynamic keyword insertion:

Note the dynamic keyword insertion, which is highlighted. Three things to note:

  • The brackets are where the keyword will be displayed, assuming it fits – So, if the keyword is “leather chair” the ad headline will read “Great Prices on Leather chair”.
  • You control capitalization – By capitalizing “Keyword” in various ways you can control the way your ads are displayed
    • keyword=”leather chair”
    • Keyword=”Leather chairs”
    • Keyword=”Leather chairs”
    • KEYWORD= “LEATHER chairs”
  • If the term is too long, the word or phrase after the colon will be inserted – You’re limited to a certain number of characters on each line within a PPC ad (25 for the headline, 35 for the description lines). So, if a user typed in “leather Chairs” and you were focusing your AdWords bidding on that keyword in this Ad Group, the search engine would display your ad this way.


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