Link Popularity

What is Link Popularity ?

A measurement of the number and quality of sites that link to a given site, especially as cataloged in a search-engine index.
Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links points towards a website. The term link popularity also has two different forms, Internal and External, which refer to the ones coming from the website’s own web pages and from other websites. Internal link popularity means the number of links to the website from web pages that belong to the website.

External Links

External link popularity is the number of links from outside sources that lead back to the website. In the end, websites with high link popularity have what is called link cardinality or link superiority and have a reputation for being informative, as well as ranking highly on search engines. Link popularity is also an approach that many search engines take when deciding where to rank websites.

Having a high link popularity is an excellent way not only to build a website but to also show others how good the website it. When other web pages link to a website it draws additional traffic for that website, as well as giving it what constitutes as votes in the search engine rankings.

When two websites with very close levels of search engine optimization and information are being ranked by a search engine, more often the search engine will choose to rank the website with the higher link popularity first on search engine results pages.

The philosophy behind link popularity is that the popularity for a website will reflect the value of the website. If the website or web page is information rich, well thought out and attractive, common sense says the website will have high popularity. On the opposite end of the spectrum, websites that are poorly constructed will have less  popularity and will be less attractive.


How to Measure

The importance of link popularity is also measured in several ways. If the website or web page that has high link popularity has a high rank on major search engines such as Google, then chances are that the inbound links are from major websites. Inbound links from more obscure websites such as home pages for individuals and blog posts for individuals do not have as much impact on the search engine rank for the web page or website.

The inbound links from major websites also carry more weight for the link popularity as a concept and not just a number, based on the idea that quality websites produce quality inbound links.

Search engines like Google use special link analysis systems to determine if link recognition for a website is worth ranking the website in a higher position. This is considered an off-the-page part of search engine optimization for advertising companies, as it is hard to influence the number of inbound links to a website without participating in link farming.


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