
What are Groups?

Micro-communities within a social networking site for individuals who share a particular interest. LinkedIn groups are a particularly notable example of this phenomenon.

The word Group classically means “a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage… basically a group of people living together in the same place.” Modern day communities can be groups formed through myriad activities as well as spread over infinite locations. While this infinitely virtual new world connects people in continuously new and productive ways, there is no substitute for a small and physical living Group to nourish our well-being on an intimate scale.


As more people and businesses compete for attention on social media—and networks like Facebook continue to tweak their algorithms—many businesses are seeing a steady decline in organic reach.

The most touted solution is to buy social ads. But what if your business doesn’t have a social advertising budget? How can you increase organic reach… organically?


The rise of dark social and messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WeChat proves that people are seeking personalized engagement and one-on-one connection on social media. Therefore creating “micro-communities” can help boost your organic reach, by offering your followers a more tailored and relevant brand experience.

Create A Niche

Instead of one general social handle representing everything, a micro-community is focused on a specific element or aspect of your business. Dedicated customer support accounts and regionalized accounts are common examples, but you could create a micro-community that revolves around a niche hobby or interest (as long as it relates to your business). The most effective micro-communities aren’t only focused on a business connecting with customers—they’re also about connecting customers to one another.

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