
What is PageRank ?

PageRank (PR) is the former proprietary method of Google (now disavowed) for measuring the popularity of a Web page. Much-debated in the SEO community, the measurement is believed to be influenced chiefly by the number and quality of inbound and outbound links associated with a given page. Updated infrequently, this rank was indicated as a number between 1 and 10 most commonly displayed in a green bar chart in the Google toolbar add-on for browsers. The SEO community consensus opinion is that the measurement was nothing more than Google’s incomplete assessment of the relative strength of a website.

PR is an important part of search engine optimization (SEO) past and present history. PageRank is a link analysis algorithm applied by that assigns a number or rank to each hyperlinked web page within the World Wide Web. The basic purpose of PR is to list web pages from the most important to the least important, showing on a search engine results page when a keyword search occurs. The process involves PR assessing all the links to a web page. When a web page has a lot of links from large websites that also rank well, then the original web page is given a high ranking. Where the links are coming from is just as important as the number of links to any web page, the system being rather “democratic” according to


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