Seller Ratings Extensions

What is Seller Ratings Extensions?

Seller Ratings Extensions – An automated extension shown underneath PPC text ads on Google. Once launched, seller ratings showcase the overall rating of a business on a 5-star scale or in an “XX%” positive format. The ratings can come from Google sources and approved third-parties.

How they work

Google gathers seller ratings from reputable sources that aggregate business reviews. These ratings primarily reflect customers’ overall consumer experience with your business on a country basis.

You’re not charged for seller ratings. When people click on your ads with extensions, you’ll be charged as usual for clicks on your ad. If you don’t want seller ratings to show with your ads, follow the steps in Remove extensions.

When they show

Seller ratings show with Search Network campaigns and they will only serve in a country when one of the following criteria is met:

  • Google has received/collected 100 unique reviews for the country within the last 12 months across Google Customer Reviews or our third-party review partners
  • Google and/or its partners have completed a research evaluation of your site; or
  • Google has completed an evaluation of your site via Google Consumer Surveys.

Additionally, the following criteria must be met:

  • Average, composite, rating of 3.5 or more stars for Text Ads
    • Currently, Google Shopping can show Seller Ratings if the average rating is less than 3.5 stars
  • The ad’s visible URL domain must match the domain for which we have the ratings

The reviews from users in a given country will only contribute to the business’ rating in that country.


We may not show seller ratings when the underlying feedback is unrelated to what’s being advertised in a specific ad.

How to check if you have a seller rating

To find out if you have a seller rating for a specific country, edit the following URL to replace “{yourwebsite}” with your homepage URL:{yourwebsite}

You’ll be able to view information about your store as well as a seller rating if your site meets the minimum seller rating thresholds. A country selector will allow you to view this information per country. Use the dropdown menu to see your seller ratings in different countries.


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Refer: Google

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