
What is Remarketing?

Remarketing – Also known as retargeting, a type of paid ad that allows advertisers to show ads to customers who have already visited their site. Once a user visits a site, a small piece of data called a “cookie” will be stored in the user’s browser. When the user then visits other sites, this cookie can allow remarketing ads to be shown. Remarketing allows advertisers to “follow” users around in attempts to get the user back to the original site.

What Remarketing Means To You!

When you visit a site and all a sudden you start seeing Facebook, Instagram, or banner ads for that site everywhere? That is getting retargeting via a remarketing campaign. A textbook definition, Remarketing is when advertisers can (anonymously) track your internet activity and serve you ads based on actions you’ve taken.  Remarketing is designed to make the advertising experience as friendly to the consumer (you) as possible.

How many billboards or commercials have you seen that have totally nothing to do with you. The majority, if not nearly all of them. You’ re always bombarded by advertisements for things you don’t care about. Remarketing tries to fight that.

When you visit a site, you get a cookie. The cookies tell marketers what pages you visited, what products/services you looked at, how many pages you looked at, how long you stayed on the site. and a million other things. Your personal identity is never involved in this – you’re basically assigned a new ‘ID’ that we can market to. For instance: I can’t see that Sam Smith visited Billy’s online store, but if I ran Billy’s marketing (I don’t) I could remarket to people that did visit the site, Sam Smith included.


Remarketing campaigns aim to help you only see ads that you’re interested in seeing, allowing companies to give you personalized offers.

Through dynamic remarketing, you can take your retargeting efforts one step further. Dynamic remarketing lets your business show people who have come to your site ads for services or products that they viewed when they were on your site. This personalized approach can help increase conversion rates as it helps you bring previous visitors back to finish the shopping experience they started.

What Remarketing Means to Businesses

Remarketing prevalent in today’s age, so much so that nearly every business is doing it in some capacity? It’s an integral part of any digital marketing effort in today’s business world. There are many reasons a business might use remarketing, but I’ll keep my list to the main reasons.

  1. It makes marketing cheaper. This one is the most obvious. Your ads only serve to the people that want to see them means that more people will click on your ads. You’re spending less money for more qualified traffic.
  2. You’re able to send out “personalized” deals. No, not personal to just you, but if you’re included in the customer segment that gets 20% off X because of online actions you took, you get a special deal. For businesses, this means more engagements, more sales, and more customer retention.
  3. Very few purchases are made on the first visit to the site. Think about your own habits. If you find a product/website for the very first time, how likely are you to make a purchase? What about after you see a few ads for the product that you spent time looking at, combined with a sweet deal to get it cheaper than you thought you could?


Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.


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