Placement Exclusions

What is Placement Exclusions?

Placement Exclusions – Similar to a negative keyword, exclusions prevent your ads from appearing on individual websites or categories of websites. These are designed to help increase relevancy and control of ad placement on the Display Network.

Just as you can target placements in the Google Display Network and YouTube to show your ads—like specific pages, sites, and videos—you can also exclude placements where you don’t want your ads to show. In particular, you might exclude websites or domains that aren’t appropriate for your brand.

This article tells you how to create account-level placement exclusions—which prevent your ads from showing on certain placements on the Display Network or YouTube, overriding any campaign-level placement targeting. There is no way to exclude nor at the account level.

Before you begin

Here’s critical information to know about account-level exclusions:


When you create a placement exclusion, leave off www. to exclude the subdomains, subsites, and subpages under the exclusions. So, if you exclude, you will automatically exclude (subdomain), (subsite) and (subpage). But if you retain the www. and exclude, the exclusion won’t extend to subdomains, subsites, and subpages.

Country domains

Different country domains need separate exclusions. So, to exclude and, you need to add both as placement exclusions.



You can enter a maximum of 20,000 placement exclusions at a time and a total of 65,000 placement exclusions per account. In addition to placement exclusions, you can use site category and content exclusions. Learn more about site category options and content exclusions.

You can’t exclude and at the account level.


  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. In the page menu, click Placements.
  3. At the top of the page, click Exclusions.
  4. Click the plus button.
  5. From the drop-down, select Account.
  6. Enter the URL or search for the content you’d like to prevent your ads from showing on (don’t include “www.”). If you have a list of URLs, you can also click “Enter multiple placements” and paste the entire list there.
  7. Click Save.

You’ll be able to verify the placement exclusion under “Change History” when you view changes at the account level. New placement exclusions typically take effect within 12 hours.


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Refer: Google


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