Facebook Business Page

What is the Facebook Business Page?

Facebook Business Page – A public webpage on Facebook created to represent a company. Using a business page gives users access to the Facebook Ads Manager. It also allows businesses to engage with users (i.e. page likes, message responses, post content).

Creating a Facebook Page allows the more than 2 billion people on Facebook to discover your business—think of your Page as a digital storefront. Setting up a Business Page is simple and free, and it looks great on both desktop and mobile.

Understand the benefits of creating a Facebook Page for your business on the Advertiser Help Center.

Grow your Page by inviting customers and friends.

Start by inviting current customers or other interested people to like your Facebook Page. They can support you by interacting with your posts and sharing your content. This initial audience helps to establish credibility, build your reputation and spread the word about your business right away.

Run ads to get more Page likes.

People who like your page will receive notifications when you publish updates, helping you reach them and stay top of mind. Getting more likes for your Page can help you keep people updated about new products, promotions, and events—and even turn them into new customers.

Learn how to grow your Page audience on the Advertiser Help Center.

Manage many aspects of your Facebook Business Pages.

Your Page makes it easy for people to find out more about what you offer and get in touch.

Keep your customers updated.

Posting on your Business Page is a great way to let your customers and fans know what your business is up to. Keep customers interested and engaged with industry information, product updates, event notifications and more.

Reach more people with Page promotions and boosted posts.

Stay top of mind with people who are interested in your Page. Reach a larger audience with boosted posts, and keep customers engaged with industry information, product updates, event notifications and more.

Connect people with your products and services.

Drive more transactions with Page features tailored for your business type. Schedule appointments or make reservations, drive people to your website’s shop or donate page, or provide a link for your app or game to encourage people to download.

Offer great customer service.

People can communicate with your business through Messenger—it’s a familiar and convenient way to answer questions or help a customer.

Facebook Business Page Post about an open job.

Reach qualified job candidates where they’re already spending their time—on Facebook. Post job opportunities on your business Page for free.


Share an offer.

Create coupons and discounts right from your Page to let people know about specials and deals—it can help you bring back current customers and attract new ones.

Build community.

Create a Facebook group to deepen your relationship with your customers. Invite customers to join, start discussions relevant to your business, create events, and set up a calendar to stay organized.

Facebook Business Page Promote an event.

If you’re hosting an event for your business, use Facebook events to spread the word. Share key details, increase attendance and sell tickets.

Sell things on Marketplace.

Connect your products and services to your local community by listing things to Marketplace. Target buyers on the go with mobile-friendly listings.

Grab attention to your Page with these creative tips.

Turn your Page visitors into customers with eye-catching visuals. Photos and videos of your latest products and services can help to bring in new customers—especially if you follow these creative best practices.

Think mobile-first.

Before using a photograph or video on your business Page, look at it on your smartphone and ensure the main subject is clear.

Keep it simple.

You usually don’t need complex props or staging. The most effective images are often the simplest ones—close-ups of unique textures, or short clips of someone using your service.

Vary your layouts.

When arranging objects for a photo or video, you can stand out with an interesting layout. Try capturing the display from above or vary how close your subjects are to the camera.

Facebook Business Page Create a focal point.

When setting up your scene—whether it’s a group of products or a storefront—provide a focal point by putting a subject in the foreground.


Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

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