AdWords Editor

What is the AdWords Editor?

AdWords Editor – A free software application by Google that allows you to make changes to your account in bulk. This allows users to add new campaigns/ad groups/keywords, make bid changes and more.

The AdWords Editor is a tool that you can download and install on your local PC. It allows you to manage your campaigns while you’re not even connected to the Internet.

Once you’re done with the edits, you can sync them with your AdWords account.

Download the AdWords Editor

Before you can use the editor, you need to download it.

The download process only takes a couple of clicks. You’ll have to exercise some patience while it’s installing the software on your system, though.

The installation process might not put an icon for the AdWords Editor on your desktop.

If you’re on a Windows platform, you can usually find it by clicking on the “Start” icon in the lower, left-hand corner and looking for Google AdWords Editor in the menu that appears.

When you launch the application, you’ll have to accept the license agreement. Then, you’ll have to go through an initial setup process that asks some very basic questions (such as your preferred language).

Download Your Account

Next, you need to download your account.

Why? Because at this point all you have is the software. You don’t have any info about your AdWords campaigns.

Effectively, you have a book with a bunch of blank pages.

Fortunately, it’s easy to download your account.

Click on “Accounts” from the menu at the top. Then, click “Add.”

You can also just click on the “+ ADD” button towards the top of the screen.

A popup will appear asking if you want to sign in with Google Chrome or within the application.

If you’re already logged in to your Google account on Chrome, it’s probably easiest to log in that way. On the other hand, if you want to stay within the app to sign in for security purposes, then choose that option.

When you do sign on, you’ll be challenged for your credentials. Use your Gmail address and password.

Once you’re signed in, the AdWords Editor will ask about downloading your campaign data. Download all of it.

View Your Campaign Info

After you’ve downloaded your data, you’ll see the basic user interface. Look at the “Manage” pane in the lower, left-hand corner.

Within that box, you should the word “Campaigns” followed by a number in parentheses. That number indicates the number of campaigns that you’ve already created in AdWords.

Click on “Campaigns” and you’ll see your campaigns in a table in the middle of the screen. Each campaign has its own row.

Edit Your Campaign Info

When you click on a campaign on the table, you’ll see more detailed info about the campaign in a tabbed pane at the bottom of the screen.


Keep in mind: you can edit the details about the campaign in that pane.

For example, if you want to change the campaign name, just type in the new name in the “Campaign name” field.

Add a New Campaign

Want to add a campaign? That’s easy.

Just click the “Add Campaign” button at the top of the table.

You’ll find that the AdWords Editor puts a new row in the table with a default campaign name. Feel free to edit that campaign to suit your needs.

Delete a Campaign

You can also delete a campaign from within the AdWords Editor.

Click on the campaign you want to delete in the table. Then, click the “Remove” button at the top.

Be advised: the AdWords Editor does not ask you if you really want to delete the campaign. Use caution with the “Remove” button.

Manage Ad Group and Keyword Info

You can also view your Ad Group and Keyword detail.

Click on “Ad Groups” or “Keywords and targeting” in the Manage pane on the lower, left-hand side of the screen.

You’ll see a familiar-looking table in the center of the screen that will show you either ad group or keyword info.

Once again, just click on a row perform edits at the bottom of the screen.

There are also “Add” and “Remove” buttons at the top of the table so you can create and delete ad groups or keywords.

Check Your Changes

Once you’ve completed your edits, you’re still not done.

Why? Because you need to check your changes to make sure that Google AdWords will accept them.

It’s easy to check changes. Just click on “Check Changes” at the very top of the screen.

Hopefully, the AdWords Editor shows you all green signals indicating that your changes are good to go.

Post Your Changes

After you’ve checked your changes, it’s time to post them. That will “send” your edits to AdWords.

To do that, click the “Post” button at the top of the screen.

You’ll see a popup that summarizes your changes. Click the “Post” button at the bottom of the popup to officially post the edits.

You’ll see a status screen after the posting is complete.


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