
What are Rankings ?

The position of a website’s listing(s) in search-engine results pages. The higher a rank for a specific keyword, the more generally visible a page is to search-engine users.

Rankings in SEO refers to a website’s position in the search engine results page. There are various ranking factors that influence whether a website appears higher on the SERP based on the content relevance to the search term, or the quality of backlinks pointing to the page. Each search engine gives different weights to these ranking factors which is why when you enter the same search term in different search engines you will generally get different results.


Rankings factors play a huge role in SEO and the overall digital marketing strategy of a website. SEO is a specific discipline focused on the optimizations needed to have a technically sound domain and delivering on content that is relevant to users and ultimately attracts the right customers to your business. Understanding which ranking factors are relevant to your industry is key to becoming an authoritative domain,– especially in the competitive industries of e-commerce, finance and health.

Let’s Review a Few Key Factors

  • Backlinks
  • Keywords
  • SERP
  • Authoritative Domain
  • A Secure and Accessible Website
  • Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Domain Age, URL
  • Optimized Content
  • Technical SEO
  • User Experience 
  • Links
  • Social Signals
  • Real Business Information
  • Speed Of Site

Google has confirmed is that it uses about 200 ranking signals when determining organic search page rankings. There are domain-related factors, on-page factors, off-page factors, site-level factors, and numerous technical SEO factors that contribute to where your website falls on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) for the various keywords related to your industry.

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