Broad Match

What is Broad Match?

Broad Match – The default matching option, broad match means that your ad may show if a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads can also show for singular or plural forms, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. Sticking with the broad match default is a great choice if you don’t want to spend a lot of time building your keyword lists and want to capture the highest possible volume of ad traffic.

A keyword option that allows your ad to show when someone searches for that keyword, variations of it, as well as other related topics. The broad match keyword “bicycle bell” can cause your ad to show if someone searches for variations and related searches like “cycling accessories,” “blue bicycle helmets,” and “bell reviews for bikes.”

  • They let a keyword trigger your ad to show whenever someone searches for that phrase, similar phrases, close variations of the keyword terms, related searches, and other relevant variations.
  • For example, when you add “hats” as a broadmatch keyword, you tell Google Ads to try to show your ad for searches containing that term or a similar one. Your ad might show for searches on “hat,” “sun hats,” “winter accessories”, and “sombreros.” The keywords help you reach the widest audience.
  • It’s is one of the four keyword matching options that help control how closely the keyword needs to match a person’s search term in order for your ad to appear. You can choose one or more matching options for a keyword, and the broad match will be used by default if you don’t specify a particular matching option.


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