
What does Bounce Mean?

Bounce (Email)- When an email is not able to be delivered to an email address. There can be soft bounces that are temporary. For example, if their inbox is full, the message size is too large or their mailbox declares the email suspicious or “spam-like” content. Hard bounces are when the email address no longer exists or due to a typo in the email address.

They are addresses that could not be delivered successfully to recipients of email marketing campaigns.

There are two types of bounced emails:

Hard bounces are addresses that were rejected outright. Possible reasons could be because the recipient’s address no longer exists or the email’s domain name no longer exists. The emails are flagged in your mailing list, as well as the email unsubscribes list so that you do not send them to those emails again when you send them to the mailing list again. This is done to ensure your deliverability and IP reputation are not damaged from repeat sends to addresses where an email bounced back.


Soft bounces are addresses that were rejected due to a temporary issue, such as a recipient’s email box being full. Since these reasons are temporary, we don’t flag those addresses in your list or add them to the email suppression list right away because they may be able to be sent successfully when you mail again next time. However, after five consecutive unsuccessful attempts to deliver an email address it will be flagged as hard bounced. This is done to ensure that your email deliverability and IP reputation are not damaged from repeated sends to unengaged email addresses.


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