Automated Rules

What are Automated Rules?

Automated Rules – A feature that automatically adjusts your ad statuses, budgets, and bids, so you don’t have to spend so much time manually monitoring your campaigns. The cool part about automated rules is that you can customize and fine-tune them to your individual account goals/KPIs

Automated rules allow you to schedule your ads to appear at specific times of the day, adjust bids by the time of day, seasonal factors or other dynamic conditions, or control your budget and costs by showing ads only at the times you choose.

To get started, think about the tasks you perform frequently in your Google Ads account and write down the steps you take. Then structure your rules to have these actions performed automatically for you.

This article provides several examples of popular rules. You can use your personal performance goals and expertise about your business to choose specific metrics and actions that make sense for you.

Once you’ve created rules, make sure to monitor their performance frequently and refine them to get the desired results.

Note: When scheduling a rule to run at a particular time, the rule may execute at any time in the hour following the selected time. For example, a rule set for 9 am may run at any time between 9-10 am.

Instructions Schedule ads Automated Rules Example

Turn on or off several special ads for a promotional event

Say you have several promotional ads containing the phrase “Memorial Day specials” and you want to run them over Memorial Day weekend. First, create these ads in advance and keep them paused. Then create two one-time rules: the first to enable these ads at the start of Memorial Day weekend (for example, May 28, approximately 5:00 PM) and the second to pause the ads at the end of the holiday weekend (May 30, approximately 11:00 PM).

Click Ads & extensions.

Click the 3-dot icon, and select Create an automated rule.

Under “Type of rule”, select Enable ads.

In the “Apply to ads” section, choose All enabled and paused ads.

In the “Condition” section, click +ADD, and select Ad text.

In the “Value” field, enter “Memorial Day specials”, and click Apply.

Under “Frequency”, choose Once and select May 28, 2020, at 5:00 PM.


Name your rule.

Click Save rule, to save rule 1.

To create rule 2, click the 3-dot icon, and select Create an automated rule.

Under “Type of rule”, select Pause ads.

In the “Apply to” section, choose All enabled and paused ads.

In the “Condition” section, click +ADD, and select Ad text.

In the “Value” field, enter “Memorial Day specials”, and click Apply.

Under “Frequency”, choose Once and select May 30, 2020, at 11:00 PM.

Name your rule.

Click Save rule, to save rule 2.


Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

Refer: Google

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