How To Create A Top Converting High-Ticket Funnel

High-Ticket Funnel

High-Ticket Funnel , Are you keen to generate more conversions and sales for products and services that your company offers? In this article, we’re going to explain the high ticket funnel strategy that will provide the results you want. We’ll show you how to get started, measure your performance and all the key details you need to know.


What Are High Ticket Funnels?

There are two concepts you need to understand here. The first is a ‘high ticket’ item. 

High ticket items are high-priced or high-value products and services. Essentially, they cost more and offer a higher level of value than typical items. 

There are various examples including:

  • High-end cars
  • Bikes
  • Jewelry

Or, if you sell services it might be webinars and training, based on delivering fantastic results to clients. Usually, a product or service will be considered ‘high ticket’ when it costs more than $1000

Then, there’s the funnel. A sales funnel is basically a series of steps. It should, when used correctly, lead customers or clients to a purchase decision. 

A high ticket funnel puts these two concepts together. It’s a series of steps that will lead to a customer buying a high-priced service or product. 

Due to this, you can gain a lot from high ticket funnels. If you know the secrets of selling high-value products, you can make millions

It’s a selling system that can be of massive value in the right hands. Used correctly, your high ticket funnel can and will convert. 

Is there only one type of high ticket funnel? This is where things get a little more complicated. 

There are numerous steps involved in this system and different starting points. They can all be effective if you build them the right way. Don’t worry, we’re going to show you how to do this. 

Will it work for your business? If you’re willing to sell a product or service at over $1000, a high ticket funnel could be the right choice. 

It provides numerous advantages to such as:

  • Earning more even if you sell lower levels of products
  • Lower spending on overhead costs
  • A chance to win on the luxury market. 

Now let’s look at how to begin using this High-Ticket Funnel sales tactic.

How To Get Started

Before we get into detail about how to build your high-ticket funnel, there are few things you need to keep in mind. 

  • There are a series of steps that must be in place
  • Each step has to work effectively
  • Every step must push users to the next level of your funnel

Step 1 – The Initial High-Ticket Funnel Ad

The first step of the sales funnel is the starting point of guiding users to a purchase decision. It’s where you introduce the product, build excitement and potentially offer them a solution to a problem. 

There are numerous options here. The first step could be a post on social media. Or, it might be a webinar

Tesla used a webinar to great effect as the start of their high-ticket funnel in 2016 for the Model 3. Prospective customers opted into the webinar. 

A webinar can be quite a lot of work. So, you might want to opt for an easier, simpler first step of your funnel. 

Instead of a webinar, let’s consider a social media ad. 

To be effective, you need to hit a number of targets with your ad. 

You have to:

  • Highlight the problem that a product solves or give them a reason to care 
  • Show them why they should care about failure 
  • Offer a solution that they can download 
  • Provide a visual that is compelling

Simple enough?

To get things right, you need to make sure that you are targetting a specific group of customers. Remember, not everyone is going to be interested in these high priced products. 

Of course, you can also create multiple ads for different groups. But the initial ad you build needs to provide the right base. You can personalize and customize later once the right building blocks are in place. 

Describe the problem your product or service solves in detail. Show them the impact of not solving the problem. 

You may also want to think about the solutions that they have tried already. That’s particularly useful if you are selling a service, rather than an item. 

You need to think about the CTA too. The CTA is critical because it will ensure that prospects reach the next step. However, this will only happen if it works. 

Build your CTA around a tangible asset. This should promise a key and specific outcome that those prospective customers want. 

The ad should have an image too. This should stand out and provide them with a reason to click. It has to be linked to the product you are selling and it should be unique. 

Step 2 - The Landing Page For High-Ticket Funnel

The next step is often going to be your High-Ticket Funnel landing page. After showing clients their webinar, Tesla directed prospects straight to a landing page. You can see the page they used below:

Ultimately, they invited customers to sign with a $1000 deposit. It’s a simple funnel but it was highly effective. In fact, it resulted in customers paying $14 billion in preorders. It’s probably one of the most successful examples of a high-ticket funnel. 

But, let’s get back to our social media example. Once they click the link, customers are then directed to your landing page. For this to be effective, you again need to make sure that you are ticking a few boxes. You need to:

  • Deliver on the promise that was put in place with the ad 
  • Add another call to action leading to a sale call

As you might have guessed, the landing page doesn’t need to be extensive or elaborate. Instead, it should be compelling and to the point. 

You simply need to ensure that you are providing a reason to subscribe to the solution promised. Mention why this will be effective and deliver the right CTA. This should be simple and to the point, while connecting to your original message. 

You need to take the steps you want a prospect to take clear and simple to understand. Ideally, there should only be a 2-step process for booking a call. 

Simply offer them asolution in exchange for the contact information that you need. 

Step 3 - The Thankyou Page

Once they provide the contact information, you can send them to a second “Thank you page.” This provides them with the option to book the service you offer. 

Now, you can focus on getting that prospect to make contact with your business. Remember, even if they don’t the first page provided you with the contact information you need to follow up. 

Here, show them the results of making contact through a phone call to your business. Show them exactly what they stand to gain. The promised results from a call need to be linked to the initial promise provided with the lead magnet

You might also want to offer a video on this page. Particularly, if you’re offering a call. Many prospects will be more inclined to get on the phone if they see who they are going to be talking to. 

The Follow Up

When you use the tips to measure performance further down, you might discover that a lot of your prospects aren’t connecting after the thankyou page.

But that’s okay. Thanks to your lead magnet, you have the contact info. This means you can get in touch with a follow-up email. 

This can involve a few emails going back and more forth before you reach the point of a call. However, when used correctly, you can get a large majority of the prospects you missed the first time around.

Step 4 - Booking A Call

For this, you will need to make sure that you set up a booking form on your website. Make sure that you are priming them for the call and prepare them for what to expect. 

One of the best ways to do this is to provide a video. A short video can provide leads with clear information about what to expect from the call. You can even direct them to case studies that showcase the value of your services. 

You can then help them choose a date and time that matches their needs. 

Remember, the more steps that you provide, the more likely they are to show up for that call. You have to keep in mind that booking a phone call doesn’t mean that the lead is ready to make a purchase. 

You have to show them what they can gain from this and why they should care.

Step 5 - Email Sequences

This next stage is often forgotten but it is a crucial part of the process. With an email sequence, you can ensure that leads actually show up for the call that they’ve booked. 

Miss out this step and you’ll find that most don’t do this. You also need to go deep than just a few basic reminders. This may not provide the results that you want. Instead, you need to ensure that you:

  • Make sure you are reinforcing your agenda
  • Help them complete an assessment which will ensure the call provides great value
  • Deliver social proof 

You can make these emails personal too. Create them with the individual who is going to be taking the call. 

Critically while you should mention that you will be discussing products and services you don’t want to mention a sales pitch in the email sequence. 

You can include more example case studies here too. Again, this shows them why they should be interested in making the call. It also reduces the likelihood that they skip it completely, even after they’ve booked it.

The Final Step - The Call

Now, you need to think about what you need to achieve with that call. Most marketing experts agree that if you want to see results with a high-ticket sales funnel, it does need to end with a call. 

So, through the call you need to:

  • Ask questions which addresses the problems that your service or product solves
  • Provide strategies that your lead can use to solve the problems
  • Deliver information on the product and show them how it helps them to use those strategies mentioned
  • Make the final offer

This is just one example of a full high-ticket funnel. With a few tweaks, this could work for a masive variety of different businesses selling countless products. The video below provides another great example:

But, there are other steps you can take too. 

So, here are some quick key tips to improve the performance of your high ticket sales funnel and questions that you should be asking.

Key Tips And Questions For Any High Ticket Funnel

Choosing The Right Lead Magnet


There are countless lead magnets that can be part of your high ticket sales funnel. Remember the lead magnet is crucial. It highlights that you will provide prospects value and deliver the contact point you need. 

Some examples of lead magnets include:

  • Checklists 
  • In-depth guides
  • Templates
  • Recipe books
  • E-books

However, arguably if you want the best results with your high ticket funnel, then you need to choose a lead magnet that depends on a buy-in. 

This provides a few advantages. You can:

  • Avoid people who are just looking for free items or info
  • Prove that you will deliver value based on their investment 
  • Build up levels of trust

Due to this, a webinar may be the best option that you should explore. One of the best benefits of a webinar is that it provides a way to showcase your expertise. 

You can also use it to push your prospects towards an end goal. That’s exactly what Tesla did with their webinar and there’s a reason it was so effective. It included the near in-person effect. This makes uses gravitate towards a CTA that you will have provided. 

You also don’t have to charge for a webinar. But the opportunity is there and if you’re dealing with wealthy prospects, this probably isn’t going to be the turnoff you might think.

Why Do You Need To End With A Call?

The high-ticket sales funnel we’ve used as an example above ends with a call. Why is this? What makes this such an important part of your strategy? 

You have to remember what you are asking from your prospects here. This isn’t a fifty dollar item that you want them to purchase. 

This is something that will cost more than $1000. Can you expect them to commit to a purchase without speaking to someone? Probably not because ultimately they will need more convincing. They will want or even demand human interaction. You need to be prepared to deliver this to them. 

They want to be reassured and they want to know that you are delivering the value they expect. Now, there are plenty of examples a high ticket funnels where a call or any form of human interaction is not part of the process. 

However, you’ll usually find these involve brands that are already trusted and well known as Tesla. Most other companies will need this step. 

A call is another smart choice here too. You shouldn’t underestimate the value of simply showing your face. Again, this is another way to build up trust and that’s key.

You Need To End With A Call

What About Lead Qualification?

Since phone calls are going to be part of a high ticket funnel, you need to ensure that you are avoiding low-quality leads.

This is going to mean that you are wasting time and money. Remember, with this funnel, one lead is far more valuable if you choose them wisely. 

This means that you need to ensure that you are qualifying your leads. So somewhere along the buyer journey, you might want to include qualification questions. 

For instance, if you are selling a high priced product, you want to make sure that they can afford it. So, you could ask about their finances. 

However, with a high ticket prospect, you have to push things a little further. You need to make sure that you are asking a lot of questions. It’s important that not everyone will pass these. 

Critically you have to ensure that the person is qualified to make the right decision. A solid qualification strategy is going to make your high ticket funnel far more efficient and effective. It will significantly boost your ROI too. 

Consider Using A Low Ticket Funnel First

You can think about using a low ticket funnel and feeding it into the high ticket one. Why would you do this? 

Instead of relying on a lead magnet, you also now have a low ticket product. This can allow you to get emails, build up trust and then keep selling to those leads. 

A big benefit here is that they have already made the initial purchase so they are prequalified. 

It’s important that you don’t replace your lead magnet. Instead, simply add a second branch. You can even start thinking about using various layers with different price tags. Even though this sounds complicated, it can deliver the results you want. 

Social Proof Is Crucial 

Social proof is one of the key variables that is going to determine whether you do get the big conversion numbers. 

Social proof can involve a wide range of options. You can use:

  • Direct quotes
  • Online reviews
  • Case studies
  • Testimonials

Remember risk with high ticket items is a lot higher. You need to make sure that you are dealing with fears of clients. Social proof is the best option.

Basically, you will be providing clear evidence of what you can do for these prospects. It’s evidence that they can not deny. 

So, how often should you add in social proof? Ideally, it should be at every stage of your marketing funnel. You might find this also reduces the time that they spend at each stage too. 

For instance, you add custom quotes to your email sequences. These can be used as section breaks. That makes the emails easier to process and understand.

You might also want to think about including video testimonials. We’ve already discussed the benefits of videos. You provide your prospects with a real person they can interact with and connect too. 

Of course, case studies are the best option for high ticket items and services. Prospects are going to be inclined to dig deep into what you can offer them and how you will deliver value. 

Business clients, in particular, are going to want to access case studies. Some reports suggest that case studies will increase sales by more than 180%

This does mean you need to focus on getting good reviews and testimonials that you can use. In some cases, all you need to do is ask. Once you do close a sale, contact the customer and ask for feedback or a review. 

You’ll be amazed at how many deliver content that you can use in your high ticket funnel.

How To Measure Performance

Now that you know how to set up your sales funnel, let’s explore how to measure performance. 

It is essential when you build your sales funnel that you are keeping track of key performance indicators. These are going to tell you whether your sales funnel is a success and which areas require improvements. 

Be measuring performance, you can fine-tune your high ticket sales funnel. This is going to lead to greater performance and a bigger gain in profits. 

So what are the crucial KPIs?

Lead Generation 

To build a healthy sales funnel, you must have leads that you can track. This measures the number of people you have added to the funnel within a set period. Be aware that there are other metrics associated with this. 

Are you using a social media ad as your first step? If so, then it makes sense to explore social media activity. If website form fills are part of your process, you need to look at whether these are generating leads. 

For instance, you may find that there are some forms on your site that customers are abandoning completely. 

Lead Attrition 

You might hope that there’s no level of attrition in your funnel. Unfortunately, this will never be the case. You will always have a certain level of attrition. 

People might have signed up for the wrong product or service. They could have found another company to buy from or their circumstances might have changed. 

The trick here is to measure levels of sale attrition at different points in the funnel. You might find that 90% never reach the second step. This is the sign of a significant issue that does need to be corrected. 

It suggests that the people who are responding to step one weren’t the right target audience for your funnel. Measuring attrition will help you make the changes that will allow you to reduce it. 

Time To Convert

It is important to explore how long people spend at different levels of your funnel. This can also help showcase issues with attrition. In this case, a long wait for conversion could be leading to customers growing bored and losing interest. 

You need to make sure that you are speeding up the transition between different funnel steps. You can also root out and thus eliminate blockages in your funnel.

You Need To End With A Call

The Simple Way To Calculate Conversions

Ultimately, the most important measure for our purpose here is the number of conversions. Luckily, there’s an easy way to measure conversions and ensure that they are at a healthy level. 

Everything online is easily trackable. So, you can find out your conversion rates or a prospect to a lead and then a lead to a sale. 

So, how do we do this? Well, to start we need to know how many people are entering the sales funnel. This is going to be your number of total prospects, within a set period. 

So, let’s say that you have five thousand visitors watching the webinar at the start of your funnel. You now have five thousand prospects. Out of those 5000, 2500 prospects fill in the contact form

That means that you have a lead conversion of 50%. Out of those 2,500, leads, 250 make the purchase. You then have a lead to the sale conversion rate of 10%. You can then use this information to find out the total prospects that are being converted into customers. It’s as simple as that. You can do this, simply by using the KPI’s we discussed above and viewing the performance at different points in your sales funnel. 

Again, this is also going to help you address any issues or blockages. 

What About ROI?

You might also be interested in calculating the ROI of your high-ticket funnel. Your ROI will show you whether your current sales funnel is worth the time and money that you are spending on the process. 

There’s a basic formula to work out your ROI for a high ticket sales funnel. You need to subtract the cost of the investment from the gain from the investment. You then divide that sum by the cost of the investment. This will give you your % ROI and for a high-ticket sales funnel, you should find that this is quite substantial. 

A big benefit of a high ticket funnel is that you can make money even if you convert a lower level of prospects. That’s because you generate more profits from every sale that you make. 

Furthermore, as we’ve shown, high-ticket sales funnels can be quite simple to set up. They often do not require massive amounts of time or effort. You can get the results that you want without spending a fortune.

Key Terms

Before we finish up, let’s run through some of the key terms that you’ll need to know when working with high ticket funnels. We’ve already mentioned these, but it’s useful to keep them in mind. 

  • Prospect – users who have the potential to become customers entering your sales funnel. You can measure the number of prospects entering a funnel over a fixed period. 
  • Lead – Prospects that pass through the initial sales funnel and sign up for your sales agent, providing you with contact details. 
  • Conversion – The process of transforming a prospect into a lead and then ensuring that they make a purchase decision 
  • KPI – A key performance indicator is a metric that you can use and view to determine whether your funnel is effective. You can also use these to adjust, change and improve key elements of the funnel. 
  • High ticket – An item or service that provides high value and that usually costs more than $1000
  • Sale funnel – A series of steps designed to take a prospect or potential or prospect to a purchase decision. 
  • Lead magnet – A resource, product or service that provides value to the prospect and helps convert them into a lead
  • Landing page – A targeted webpage prospects are directed to after the first step in your funnel. It should include a CTA as well as a signup form for the lead magnet. 
  • Thank-You page – A page that appears after the landing page, providing further details on the offer and service you provide. Typically this includes a contact form that leads can access to schedule a call. 
  • Email sequence – A series of emails designed to ensure that leads continue through the high ticket sales funnel. 
  • CTA – A call to action will appear at various stages of your funnel. It directs prospects on the next step they need to take and keeps them moving through the funnel. 

Get Started Now on Your High-Ticket Funnel 

We hope this helps you understand the right way to set up a high-ticket funnel. With the correct steps in place, you are going to see fantastic results here. You can make millions by selling high-value products and maximizing conversions.

Key Terms