
What is Behance ?

An online design portfolio-based community recently acquired by Adobe, developers of industry-standard design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator.

Artistic people around the globe join Behance and build profiles involved in Projects. A Project is a grouping of images, videos, and other digital content with a particular theme or process. Every Project has a unique URL that can be shared all over the internet and leads back to Behance. Each Project has a view and Appreciation counter so you can track how many people have viewed your Project and given you an Appreciation, or kudos on a job well done.


Members of Behance can Follow your profile and you can, in turn, follow other members. When you Follow someone, their updates (Projects they’ve uploaded, Appreciated, or Added to a Collection) appear in your Activity Feed.


The Activity Feed is the de-facto home screen for signed-in Behance members. As you follow more profiles, you’ll start to see more Projects appear in your Feed. To view a Project that appears in your Activity Feed, simply click the Project Cover Image and the full contents of the Project will pop open for you to view.

Your feed, you may start to notice Projects that have small badge icons under them. Those are Projects that have been Featured. Our team of curators searches for the best creative work on Behance and promotes it using Curated Galleries.


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