Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)

What is Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)?

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) – Amazon’s PPC advertising option for Amazon Vendors. AMS is for advertising on Amazon’s website and offers a number of advertising option including sponsored product display ads and headline display ads.

In 2012 AMS and has recently gone through a series of changes that make it more powerful than ever. They make it easier for sellers in the United States, the UK, and Canada to get their products found and to make them attractive purchases for buyers. AMS falls into three main types of advertising-sponsored ads, headline ads, and display ads.


Amazon Sponsored Products are targeted ads that show up when the buyer is weighing their options. Both vendors and third-party (3P) sellers can set up ads and receive Amazon approval for them within an hour.

On the desktop, machines appear on Sponsor Product ads on pages that supply product details above, besides, and underneath search results. When users shop on mobile devices, sponsored ads show up beneath search results or throughout product detail pages.

When sellers choose Sponsored Product Ads, they can set a daily budget that’s as low as one dollar per day and choose their target keyword. The cost per click starts at $0.2. Amazon recommends using keyword proposals to drive future campaigns for even greater success.

To use Sponsored Products, you must currently be an Amazon professional seller capable of shipping to all addresses within the United States. Products are required to be new, with listings qualifying for the Buy Box.


Headline Search Ads are targeted at customers who are just beginning their journey and are open to product suggestions. They appear at the top of the Amazon search engine results page and closely resemble banner ads. Only Amazon Vendors are eligible to use them.


When shoppers click on Headline Search Ads, they are taken to either an Amazon Store for a multi-page shopping experience, a top-selling product landing page, or to a customized URL that contains three associated products.

Headline Ads are keyword-driven like Sponsored Ads. You can select your own keyword or receive suggestions from Amazon. Choose between a daily budget with a one-dollar minimum or start a campaign for $100. You pay as little as $.10 per click.


With Product Display Ads, sellers choose between product targeting or interest-based targeting. Typically showing ads to users who have indicated an interest in related products yields greater exposure but lower conversions, while product targeting allows advertisers to refine focus for higher conversions. Interest-based targeting usually costs less, with both types starting at $.02 per click, and either a daily minimum of one dollar a day or a campaign budget of $100.

Changes  To Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)

In Sept. 2018, Amazon announced its plan to streamline its advertising portfolio by consolidating the separate entities under one umbrella known as Amazon Advertising. The rebranded offering includes the Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), Amazon Media Group (AMG), and Amazon Marketing Services (AMS).

Amazon Marketing Services focused on selling ads on the Amazon marketplace. Under Amazon’s rolling change, AMS became known as “advertising console” and is now where vendors and first-party (1P) brands log in to build Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and product display ads.

According to Amazon, the main goal of reintroducing the brand was simplification. The Amazon Advertising team stated, “We have created complexity around our advertising brands and product portfolio. So we’ve been thinking about how we can invent and simplify to provide a better experience for our advertising customers.”


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