Google Tag Manager

Tag, You’re It: Introducing Google’s Tag Manager

Trying to boost your SERP ranking? You’ll want to use the best tools you can get your hands on. As luck would have it, Google holds over 90 percent of the world’s search engine market share—so you can expect to find a few great tools in-house. Meet the Google Tag Manager.


Getting Started with Google Tags Manager

What does the Tag Manager do? By manipulating back-end SEO, this tool helps you index work effectively, without having to write new code for your platform.

Tag Manager can boost your platform’s loading speed, make your content more readable, and raise your platform’s SERP ranking. Sounding good yet? It should.


So how do you get started?

Signing up for Google Tag Manager is easy. Visit the main site page and click “Create Account.” Then, follow these quick steps:


  1. Choose an account name
  2. Choose whether to share your platform’s data with Google or other advertisers
  3. Enter a container label outlining the kind of content you want to work with (Web, AMP, Android, or iOS)
  4. Click “Create”


Breaking Down the Tag Manager

Four key elements make up the bulk of Google Tag Manager and its usability. These tools are:



  • Tags: Tags are pre-packaged JavaScript packets that you can use to make your site’s content interact with its audience. Tags track conversions, redirect visitors based on their previous interactions, spawn and send emails to consumers, and more. Even Google Analytics is considered a tag—and that might suggest the true depth and versatility of what these elements can do.
  • Triggers: If you want a tag to go to work, you’re going to need a trigger. A trigger sparks a tag’s workability based upon user behavior. When creating a trigger, you decide what kind of user behavior will spark a particular tag. Want your consumers to be able to submit a form on your platform? You need to set a trigger in place to allow for that event, and the subsequent tag, to work.
  • Variables: If you want your tags to work under hyper-specific conditions, you’ll need to include variables alongside their triggers. Say you want to give returning buyers access to a coupon to encourage additional purchases. To do that, you’ll need a variable pageview trigger. Define your variables by telling Google Tag Manager to identify return buyers courtesy of their IP addresses or platform logins via JavaScript code.
  • Containers: When put together, the combination of tags, triggers, and their variables are known as containers. These containers define the architecture and general operations of your platform. They also make it easy for you to implement page-wide functions without having to create your tags, triggers, and variables manually.


Using Google Tag Manager

As you integrate Google Tag Manager into your daily platform maintenance, make sure to:


  • Install Google Tag Manager as a Chrome extension for ease of use
  • Create GA events to better track all your outbound links
  • Avoid screen scraping in favor of a data layer
  • Document any and all changes you make to your existing containers, no matter how small

With that, Google will be able to access your content readily. And thanks to the tags, triggers and variables you put into place, you’ll be able to interact with your consumers on a personal level. Sometimes, Google really is great.



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Image attribution: Sergey Nivens –