Pinterest Marketing

Can Pinterest’s New Marketing Tools Help You?

2019 has been quite a year for Pinterest, even if few people know it. The pinning platform has recently taken concentrated steps to become a marketer-friendly social media. As a result, your marketing team can now use Pinterest to identify customers from an entirely new pool of leads.

What prompted this change?

As it stands, Pinterest is a consumer-savvy platform. It connects the curious shopper to all sorts of purchase-able items that he or she can collect on boards. With the appearance of a new “Shopping” tab, it’s clear that Pinterest intends to capitalize on its product discovery success.


Now, Pinterest is set to debut new video capabilities for partners like you.

What kind of opportunities does this new tool hold? How can you use video marketing to your advantage on this up-and-coming social network?


Video Comes to Pinterest

Pinterest has yet to give this new video tool a snappy name. However, the tool is still being advertised with enthusiasm. Marketers have always been able to upload videos, but this tool is an updated uploader. In short, it makes your uploading process a lot more simple.

Want to use this new tool? You’ll also get access to all sorts of new options on your Pinterest business profile to analyze video analytics. You’ll also find it easier to schedule video posts, courtesy of another recent addition: Pinterest’s Pin Scheduler Tool.


Additional Marketing Tools

By using the new Pin Scheduler Tool and Video Uploader in tandem, you’ll be able to target successful campaigns from other platforms toward Pinterest’s demographic. That’s not all, though.


Consider the extra addition of Pinterest’s “Complete the Look” tool. Basically, this visual search tool allows consumers to view recommended products that fall into searchable categories. (Think beaches, castles, or rural aesthetics.) Suddenly, you’ll be able to saturate consumers with product suggestions and engaging video content at the same time—you just need to integrate the right keywords.


Using Pinterest as a Marketing Platform

Interested in adding Pinterest to your existing lineup of outreach platforms? You’ll need to do more than create compelling videos.

Pinterest rewards those marketers who:


  • Cultivate pin boards with keywords seamlessly integrated into their titles and descriptions.
  • Create information-rich descriptions that consumers can revisit.
  • Make the most out of photo posts with vertical imagery.
  • Cultivate powerful backlink networks that allow consumers to visit their blogs or websites.
  • Embed pins into external platforms.
  • Share pins and boards across all other forms of social media.
  • Take advantage of the analytical assessment offered by “Pinterest for Business” accounts.
  • Collaborate with other businesses.

Maybe you’re tired of the limitations placed on you by Twitter’s video uploading capability. Maybe you just want to try to reach a new demographic of consumers. Either way, Pinterest is making steps to style itself as the internet’s next big marketing forum. If you want to get a jump on the competition, you’ll want to make a business account for your company, ASAP.



Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

Image attribution: Мирослав Гордійчук –